
Would you like to learn how to manage your projects more effectively, from the planning stages to execution? Do you want to develop the skills to monitor project costs and schedules? Could you see yourself fulfilling the role of a project manager, a sales manager, or a computer and information systems manager in one of a number of industries? Skilled project managers are in high demand, and a master’s degree in project management could be in your future.

At MastersInProjectManagement.org, you can find rankings of the top online programs in project management. Learn about average salaries, certification, and related degrees, such as a Master in Business Administration. Corporations rely heavily on project managers to oversee all aspects of a project, and we are here to help make sure your degree can lead you to one of these opportunities.

Top Master of Project Management Degrees

Project managers are relied on to plan and execute projects within a wide variety of industries, including computer networking/IT, construction, software development, telecommunications, and more. Typically, project managers should have at least a four-year bachelor's degree, but employers usually prefer a master's degree (either an MS, MA, or MBA). The schools below all offer accredited online degree programs specializing in project management.

Looking for a project management degree?

Use the degree finder below, and we'll help you find a management degree program.

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